People were camera shy, but they smiled from their heart. For their daily life, they need to walk quite a distance to get clean water. And there are only 11 water collecting points in this area of about 60km radius, otherwise they have to take water from the old wells. There was no TV reception. Upon our arrival, we saw old people and kids waiting patiently. Some of them walked quite a distance to come and meet us. Fortunately, they left happily with the food and gifts we gave out.

Dok Ku Dam

There were around 2600 poor kids in Dok Ku Dam. They were excitedly waiting for our arrival, some of them even holding their container and waiting at the roadside. These children were generally delayed in growth due to nutrition deficiency, 12-13 years old kids were look like 7-8 years old. There was a serious food deprivation issue here, some of them had to eat tree skin and leaves to fill stomach. Due to the very poor condition that we had seen, Dana decided to provide them 2000 portions of porridge once a week for the next 4 consecutive weeks. We paid and asked the volunteers to cook for the kids. Besides that we also gave out rice, oil, salt , fish sauce, crackers and kid’s gifts.