Stories in Kon Tum, Vietnam

Dana’s Charity Trip(2019) to rural Kontum , Vietnam was a successful collaboration with Dana volunteers based in Vietnam.

We have visited 6 orphanage homes and 9 rural areas, including Kon Skoi village, Toumorong, Dok Ku Dam, Rengao, Plei Jo Drap, Klau Ro Ngoi, Dak Krau, Kon Tu Yap and La Vang.

The 6 orphanage homes and Kon Skoi village are in Kon Tum Province (Central Highlands region of Vietnam, near the borders of Laos and Cambodia).

For the orphanage homes , some are in fair condition while others are not, depending on the its location from city and donation from public. The orphans ages’ range from several months to 18 years old . In Kon Soi village , people are generally poor. Early marriage and uncontrolled birth are current issues. The children were very happy on our arrival with gifts. People repeatedly said Kam On ( thank you) to us.


The next place was Toumorong. It took us a 2hours drive from Kon Tum city on the winding hill road to reach Toumorong, which was famous for “Operation Hawthorne”. Around 2 thousand people live scattered in 18 small villages in this rural area, consisting of several minor ethnicities.