2020 Project & Events

Community clinic revival, Vietnam
Healthcare outreach in rural Vietnam was noticeably substandard in the underprivileged community which was noticed during Dana’s 2019 charity trip. A sum of USD 2500/RM 10676 was donated to help revive a clinic and pharmacy in Kon Tum, Vietnam.
This project has helped reduce the waiting time for patients and provided an alternative to travelling to the nearest equipped medical centre (more than 3 hours away).
Since its revival, it has catered to three surrounding villages showing an increase of 60-70% in outpatient attendance.
Emergency Flood Disaster Relief, Vietnam
Kon Tum Province, Vietnam sustained a major flood event causing destruction to infrastructure, property and provisions of the local community.
Dana raised emergency relief funds to procure much-needed supplies for the area.

Kampung Orang Asli (Aboriginal village) Tapah, Malaysia Charity Trip
Dana volunteers organised a two-day trip to aboriginal villages in Tapah, Perak to provide medical services, medications, clothing, daily essentials, and school supplies.